Best CPAP Cleaning Machine Options

 Cleaning your CPAP Cleaning Machine is mandatory and it is a preventive which has been used to eliminate the risk of infection, allergy, and more. There are a lot of things you need to know regarding the matter so we will have to cover all of them. Without further ado, let’s begin.

Cleaning Supplies Needed

To clean your CPAP Cleaning Machine you need basic things. This refers to basic and traditional cleaning basically using soap and water with a few tricks. It needs to be done on a daily or weekly basis and it is reasonably effective. It is almost completely free. Anyway, you will need:

·        Water

·        Mild soap

·        White vinegar

·        Dry towels

Cleaning Your CPAP Machine

The process here is similar and it refers to all main components of the machine such as hose, mask, and more. However, there are some variations so we will need to cover all of these before you are safe to proceed.

Cleaning CPAP Mask

This is probably the most essential and the most important part of the process. All CPAP masks must be cleaned and they must be replaced when specified by the user manual. In return, you are looking at the most successful and safest therapy. Clean it once per week or once per day. Follow these steps.

1.     Disconnect the mask from the machine and hose

2.     Remove the headgear

3.     Soak the mask in soapy water and rub it

4.     Rinse it and let it air dry

Cleaning Filters

Disposable filters must not be cleaned and they must be replaced. Reusable ones must be cleaned once per week. This is an essential process due to the fact allergens and other contaminants cannot pass the filters and reach your airways. Follow these steps:

1.     Rinse the filters in warm water mixed with soap

2.     Use a towel to absorb excess water and let them, air dry

3.     When filters show signs of discoloration, replace them

Cleaning The Machine Itself

Usually,the machine doesn’t require any form of cleaning. You will want only to unplug it and wipe it with dry towel occasionally. This is done to make it look new and also to avoid dirt and grime appear on the machine which looks nasty.

Cleaning The Humidifier

Most CPAP machines used these days have a humidifier containing water. You will have to clean it once per week. Follow these steps for this purpose.

1.     Remove the humidifier and empty it

2.     Add 1:5 vinegar: watermixture to the humidifier

3.     Let it stay for half an hour and rinse it afterward

4.     Let it air dry

5.     Some models can be washed in a dishwasher

6.     Use distilled water only

Use Ozone Cleaner

We must add that for all the components you saw earlier, PrimeClean, one of the best ozone cleaners for this purpose can be used. It is 99.9% effective, so it is far more effective than the aforementioned methods. It is also easier to use due to the fact there is no need to wash the components and let them dry afterward. You need to place the elements into the bag, connect PrimeClean and wait. That’s it. The method works well with all kinds of CPAP equipment and it is 100% safe.


·        Can vinegar be used for CPAP cleaning?

Yes, it can be used and it is reasonably effective. However, it is ineffective against the buildup of minerals, dirt, and grime.

·        Can I use hydrogen peroxide?

There are no a lot of data regarding the matter so we have to say maybe. Some users have been using it while others avoid it. Try it for yourself and you will see the results.

·        Can I use bleach?

Never use bleach to clean your CPAP machine components. It is too strong and it will damage the components almost instantly.


Using CPAP Cleaning Machine is still the best and the safest way to make sure your machine works perfectly every single time. For the best results, add occasional, soap and water cleaning just to remove dirt and grime. PrimeClean can be used for cleaning your machine from bacteria, germs, and more. Repeat the process on a regular basis and you will have a 100% safe to use a machine.


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