Most Efficient Method To Clean CPAP Machine

CPAP machine is one of the best and the most effective treatments for sleep apnea, among other conditions. As you may know, it involves pushing pressurized air to your airways. This means that the mask will cover your nose and/or mouth when you use the therapy. This also means that you should clean it on a regular basis. Using CPAP Ozone Sanitizing Machine is one of the methods.

Importance Of Cleaning CPAP Machine Regularly

The first thing you need to keep in mind is your CPAP machine and equipment must be cleaned almost every day. Different parts of equipment require different cleaning solutions. For instance, you can use CPAP Ozone Sanitizing Machine for hose and mask.

In a nutshell, regular cleaning is mandatory to eliminate sweat, skin cells, dirt, grime from the equipment. Even more important is the fact regular cleaning allows you to remove bacteria and even viruses from the equipment. Without regular cleaning your equipment will be covered with these issues and can cause severe complications. In that case scenario, patients may experience skin irritation, sinus infection and so much more. There are literally unlimited numbers of issues you can develop when not cleaning CPAP equipment.      



Regular cleaning will also prolong the lifespan of your equipment. You won’t have to replace a mask so often and your CPAP machine will work perfectly. You may believe that this process involves professional help or the use of expensive substances. In reality, this is a simple and free or very affordable process you can do all by yourself.

3 Methods You Can Use To Clean CPAP Machine

You can see that there are countless, methods out there to clean the CPAP machine. In reality, there are 3, which are effective (some more than others) and easy to use. Below we will cover the top 3 methods you can use right now. All of them have been recommended by experts.

  •  Soap And Water

This is the first and most common method. It isn’t the most effective though! You will basically need to use soapy water and a dry cloth to wipe and clean CPAP equipment. 

The process looks like this.

  1.  Disassembly of the CPAP machine
  2. Wipe the mask with a dry cloth
  3. Wash the mask and a hose with soapy water roughly
  4.   Leave the mask and a hose and a humidifier in soapy water for 30 minutes
  5.    Let it airs dry
  6.   Wipe again using a dry cloth
  7.  Assembly and use it
As you can see this is a simple and free methods. Pay attention to these two recommendations. First of all, use Dawn soap or some, mild one to eliminate the risk of irritation. Always let air equipment air dry. Keep in mind that the biggest issue here is moisture which can contribute to germ and bacteria development. This method cannot kill all the bacteria!

  •          Ozone Cleaning Machine

This is the second method and it is the most effective one. It is second because some people believe that ozone is dangerous and should be avoided. In reality, ozone is found in nature and it is used in hospitals and restaurants where all the bacteria must be eliminated. One example is PrimeClean. This is an ozone cleaner that can disinfect CPAP equipment in 30 seconds.                

Follow these steps.

  1.   Remove the mask and the hose
  2.    Place them inside a bag
  3.    Connect PrimeClean
  4.   Turn it one
  5.   Leave it for 30 minutes
  6.    Done
As you can see the method is extremely simple and fast. It is much easier than the first method here. PrimeClean comes with a rechargeable battery and a new bag that is easier to use. The ozone can kill 99.99% of bacteria and viruses. It can actually kill the COVID19 virus that was proved by several studies. As such, this is the most desirable method if you want to have safe CPAP equipment and if you want to stay safe during the pandemic. The only drawback here is the fact PrimeClean cannot help you clean the equipment from dirt and grime. You will still need to do that manually. On the other hand, you can use it to clean other equipment and other things as well. 

We must add the fact that using PrimeClean is safe! Ozone is used for cleaning There are no traces present in any form. Don’t forget that you will need to leave the equipment for 30 minutes in order for the ozone to be converted back into oxygen. purposes, but after that, it will be converted to O2, normal oxygen we breathe.

  •   Using Sprays And Wipes 

This method is almost identical to the first one on our list. The only difference is in the fact you will use special sprays and wipes to clean CPAP equipment. A spray needs to be applied to the mask and hose, left for a few minutes, and then wiped with a dry cloth. A great thing here is the ability to choose between scents. For instance, you can choose a citrus scent that some patients like.

Secondly, you can use cleansing wipes. All you have to do in this case scenario is to wipe the hose and a mask using these wipes and you are done. They are made from cotton and use the natural formula without any harmful substances or anything similar.


As you can see, using the CPAP Ozone Sanitizing Machine is highly recommended and even mandatory for most patients. There are no side effects and your CPAP equipment will be 100% clean and safe to use. You may want to wipe the debris and grime before using this method just to make equipment as new. 


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