CPAP Machine Masks Problems And Solutions

 If you are a new CPAP user you may have issues with the mask comfort. Almost all CPAP Machine Masks may cause discomfort at the beginning. Below, we will explain the main issues and how you can solve them instantly. There are a few options we will have to cover.

1.      How You Can Get Used To The CPAP Machine Masks?

If this is an issue, you will need to wear the mask during the day while watching something on TV or sitting on the couch. Wear the mask every single day for 30 days and you will notice massive improvement within days. The goal is to get used to the mask by letting your brain get used to doing this. Wearing it while you are awake is still the best way. Try to wear it while watching a great movie and you may fall asleep during the day.

2.      My Mask Is Very Uncomfortable When I Wear It At Night?

You need to adjust the mask accordingly. The CPPA specialist can help you with that or you can choose another mask type that will suit your face better. There are many types and you may be one of those patients who find only one or two types comfortable.

3.      Can I Be Allergic To The Mask?

This is an extremely rare issue. But, if you notice any marks where the mask sits on the face, contact your doctor. You may use an old mask with latex and you may be allergic to this material. New masks are made from gel-like materials and silicone so they cannot cause an allergic reaction.

4.      Forced Air Makes Me Sick At Night.

This is an issue for some patients. You will need to get a CPAP machine with a ramp feature. This means that the machine will start with the lowest pressure setting once you start it and gradually increase it overnight. As such, you won’t have to get used to the high pressure immediately after you start the machine. Most new models have this feature and it is very useful.

5.      I Have Stuffy Or Leaking Nose.

If this happens to you, after using CPAP machine, you can use nasal spray before and after the treatment. Also, make sure there are no leaks in the system. A leaky mask can cause this issue and it should be resolved as quickly as you can. Some patients have solved this issue by using a humidifier.

6.      Mask Causes Claustrophobia At Night.

If you are scared and worried about claustrophobia caused by the mask, you may need to do one of the following things. You may try to wear the mask during the day or you can try relaxation exercises. At the same time, you can also try to replace the mask and get a nasal model only which won’t cause claustrophobia. Once you get used to the mask, this issue will be completely eliminated.

7.      It Is Impossible For Me To Fell Asleep While Wearing The Mask.

If you don’t have enough physical activity, you drink coffee or alcoholic beverages before going to bed, this problem may occur. The solution is simple. You will need to exercise during the day and avoid drinking coffee or anything with alcohol before going to sleep. There is no need to add that your personal hygiene must be at the highest level possible.

8.      I End Up With Dry Mouth In The Morning.

This means that your mask is leaking. The cause may be damage to the mask or the cushions beneath the mask. It can mean that the mask isn’t adjusted properly. If you find any leaks, solve them because the system must work without any leaks.

9.      I Will Take Off The Mask At Night, Accidentally.

If you are an active sleeper, this can be a problem for you. There are a few options you can use. First of all, you can get a longer hose and an adapter that will rotate as you move so make it impossible to accidentally take off the mask. You can also use a chin strap that will hold the mask in place while you sleep. The next thing you can do is to use an alarm and wake up a few times during the night and check the mask and is it still in place.

10.  The Machine Is Extremely Loud.

CPAP machines are designed to be used next to the bed where a patient sleeps, so they must and they are quiet. If your machine is loud, it means that there is a problem. In most situations, the filter of the machine is clogged and it must be cleaned or replaced. Check your manual to see where the filter is and how you can clean it. You should replace it if it is damaged or extremely dirty. The manual will tell you when you must replace the filter and which model to use.

The Final Word

If you have been using CPAP Machine Masks you know that certain issues may appear. It is important to know that all of these problems are simple to solve and there are no major complications. You must identify the problem and apply a correct solution. This is mandatory and can help you get better success and enjoy your treatment. Keep in mind that using CPAP therapy is mandatory and it is the only thing that can actually help you sleep better and properly.


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