Cleaning CPAP Equipment

 If you are a CPAP patient you will need or better said you must clean it on a regular basis. This is absolutely mandatory and highly recommended by all professionals. You may want to use CPAP Sterilization Machine but there are a lot of additional things you need to know first. In the topic below, we will cover all the main points you need to keep in mind.

Why You Must Clean The CPAP Machine?

Using various methods, including the CPAP Sterilization Machine is essential due to several reasons. Mold, bacteria, grime, dead skin cells, germs, and viruses can accumulate in the machine and come in contact with your airways. Once that happens, you can develop allergies, irritation, and even more severe issues! Regular cleaning makes sure that this won’t happen to you and that using a CPAP machine is safe and effective.

Tips You Need To Memorize

As you may know already, there are a lot of tips we can provide and a lot of them that are essential for modern CPAP users. We have decided to divide them into groups, according to the CPAP equipment you want to clean and sterilize.


  • Always keep your pets away from your machine or a tube due to the hair they have. Also, make sure to clean the equipment more frequently if you are a pet owner.
  • Use only mild soap and a mixture of water and vinegar. Keep in mind, one part is vinegar, two parts are water. This is an effective method to clean the tubing.
  • Never use alcohol, bleach, or similar chemicals. They can cause irritation and damage the tubing.
  • Use PrimeClean, an ozone cleaner that will kill 99.99% bacteria and germs in the tubing.
  • If a tube has a hole, replace it immediately.


  •  You must know how many air filters your machine has. For instance, some have one while most new models have 2 filters. You will see them on the machine and they are different in color and size.
  • These are air filters that will block dust and debris from reaching your airways so you can get a clear idea of how important they are.
  • Black or grey filter should be cleaned every single week. Use mild soap to clean it. They can last for a long period of time.
  • White air filters must be replaced. You will need to replace them after 2 months and there is no exception.

  •          Mask is an essential component of your CPAP machine and it has a huge role. As such, you need to pay special attention to it.
  •       Make sure to clean and maintain the cushions of the mask. If you are a woman, remove the makeup before placing the mask at night.
  •          Replace damaged cushions as soon as you see some damages or some issues with them or if the mask doesn’t fit properly.
  •           Use PrimeClean to sterilize the mask and remove bacteria and viruses.
  •       Use mild soap to remove any grime, dead skin cells, or anything similar that is on headgear or on  the mask itself.
Replace worn-out components

  •           As soon as you see damage to any of the components of your CPAP machine, replace it immediately. A mask usually lasts 2-6 months.
  •          The water chamber must be cleaned as well and you will need to do it daily. Use a mild soap for this purpose or use PrimeClean.

Things to avoid

  •       Never wipe the mask, hose, and other components with a wet towel. This can promote mold growth and can cause various other issues and complications.
  •           Do not wash the white machine filter. You will damage it.
  •           Always let the components air dry and do not place them on the direct sun.
  •        Never use harsh and strong chemicals that can damage the silicone or plastic components of the equipment.
The final word 

      First of all, you need to clean your CPAP machine on a daily basis. It is essential and it is more than just important. You will need time and you should use CPAP Sterilization Machine which can help you, make the process shorter, and also make the usage far safer. By doing this, you will ensure that the machine works properly and your therapy is working properly as well.


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