Treating Sleep apnea with CPAP Sterlization Machines during Covid-19

The wave of the Coronavirus in recent times has seen the rise of drastic changes in our patterns of living, but the victims of infection by this virus experience the worst of the pandemic.

You’ve probably heard of the claims in US hospitals about insufficient ventilators in hospital wards for the sick in various hospitals all over the world. This supply shortage of ventilators has led many doctors and scientists to consider the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine as an alternative for the regular ventilators. These machines were designed for patients of sleep apnea, a condition that causes abrupt breathing halts and excessive snoring while sleeping.

CPAP Machine

The machine helps with sleep apnea by sending jets of air through the airway canal to create enough pressure that prevents your airway from collapsing and causing a pause in your breathing. These purchase and use of these machines has increased quite a bit, especially in the United States, with many individuals dealing respiratory symptoms of Coronavirus infection or actual sleep apnea using them to stay alive and treat their conditions.

Here are some of the perks of CPAP Machines you should know :

  1. The elderly and those with underlying respiratory conditions probably own the CPAP machines already, so there’s no need to spend money on a new one in case of Coronavirus infection.
  2. The machine is quite easy to operate and provides comfort for its users.
  3. CPAP machines also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease conditions such as congestive heart disease, heart failure, abnormal heartbeats, or cardiac arrest.
  4. Since sleep apnea has a function in insulin resistance in the body, using a CPAP machine could help with preventing the development of diabetes.
  5. Sleep apnea can sometimes disrupt sleeping patterns and time, and lack of sleep is well known as a cause of mental health issues. So, using the CPAP to treat the condition could indirectly save you from mental issues that stem from lack of sleep, such as depression, and mood swings.
  6. CPAP machines are relatively pocket-friendly and easy to access.
  7. Individuals with CPAP machines at home can bring them into the hospitals for use, thereby providing available ventilators for those who are in critical need.
  8. Due to constant use, CPAP machines may get dirty and if not cleaned properly, there could be an accumulation of dust particles and pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Streptococci, and Staphylococcus aureus. The aforementioned agents could cause respiratory tract diseases far more dangerous than sleep apnea, including sinusitis, feisty cold, pneumonia, etc.
Dirty CPAP machines may also spoil, develop faults, or degrade in the long run, as a result of the presence of dust or microorganisms that may degrade the machine components. That is why it is essential for you to clean and sterilize your CPAP machine properly.

In the past and even till now, the common methods of cleaning CPAP machines include using hot water, detergent, or even antibacterial sanitizers. While these methods have been tested to work, they primarily cause the exposure of the CPAP machine to water, a situation that may have some mild to severe consequences. 

Another disadvantage is that you’ll have to disassemble your machine, leading to more stress, excess time spent, and problems while trying to put the parts back together.You might be asking, “So, what technique should I use in cleaning and sterilizing my CPAP machine?” Well, the answer is very simple – CPAP sterilization machines, also known as CPAP sterilizers.

These machines help in eliminating the germs that may be associated with your CPAP machine, and the best of the bunch make are waterless. That is, they function without the use of water. Great!

At My Prime Clean, you will only find original, long-lasting, and efficient CPAP sterilizers to help you properly clean or sanitize your CPAP machines, and prevent further complications of any underlying conditions. Our sterilization machines are 100% efficient with zero chemical side effects.

Our machines make use of an oxygen system that eliminates 99.9% of germs found on CPAP machines. Unlike some models of CPAP sterilization machines, our merchandise doesn’t require the use of water to clean your CPAP machine and its accessories such as the mask, tube, and CPAP chamber. The waterless nature of our CPAP cleaners makes sure that your CPAP machines and environment stay dry. This prevents the occurrence of:
  • Accumulation of disease-causing bacteria in the tube
  • Growth of mold as a result of moisture
  • Accumulation of minerals in the water chamber, which speeds up the growth of mold and causes clogging      issues.
  • Irritating odors from your machine
Our CPAP sterilization machine also come in portable sizes with travel-friendly packaging, so you can always have your CPAP machine handy when you go on a trip to the Bahamas or visit your grandchildren on holiday. Our CPAP sterilization machines also eliminate the problem of having to dismantle your CPAP before you can clean them. In very simple steps, you can have your CPAP machine clean and sterile in 30 minutes; that’s a relatively fast cleaning cycle.

Try out their products today. You won’t be disappointed.


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