What is and How to Use the Best CPAP Cleaner

Millions of people have been using CPAP therapy for a long period of time. It is the most effective and the only treatment for sleep apnea, among other conditions. But, just because you own the machine, doesn’t mean there is no need to clean it. You need a CPAP Cleaner and you need to clean it on a regular basis.

Why cleaning the CPAP components is mandatory
The first reason why you should clean your machine and especially tubing and a mask is the presence of the bacteria. They love this environment and they will multiply faster than you can imagine. When this happens, you may start noticing allergies and you may even find your CPAP machine impossible to use. Some users even had to replace the mask and the hose due to the lack of cleaning they implemented!

Basically, if you not clean CPAP components, they will fail sooner and you won’t be able to use them. In more severe cases, this can cause more complicated issues such as hard to treat allergies, infections, and more!

Ideally, you would clean the CPAP mask and the hose 3 times per week. Some experts even claim that cleaning these pieces of equipment on a daily basis is recommended, but we believe it isn’t mandatory. Keep in mind that you should replace the filter each month and you should replace the mask every 2-3 months or as soon as it fails to seal properly.

Cleaning Solutions You Have at Your Disposal
You can use multiple solutions to clean the CPAP equipment. The first thing that you may think will work, soap and water aren’t recommended. First of all, you will promote the moisture environment which bacteria will thrive on. Secondly, it is complicated and annoying to clean the tube and the mask using this method. Add the fact that some soaps can cause allergic reaction and rashes and you can deduce why this method is possible, but not actually recommended.

Using vinegar mixed with soapy water (50-50 mix) is a bit better. You still have the same drawbacks as in the first case scenario, but vinegar is more effective in killing bacteria, removing germs and dust in general. However, vinegar will usually leave a nasty smell in your mask and some of you may have problems using it afterward.

In both situations, make sure that the hose and the mask are 100% dry before fitting them back to the CPAP machine. If they are moist, bacteria and germs will start multiplying and you are trying to avoid that.

One solution that works the best is Prime Clean. It is an ozone cleaner. Using it is safe, simple, and very effective. You will still have to disassemble the mask and the hose, but you will connect them to the PrimeClean and it will do all hard work instead of you. After 30 minutes, remove Prime Clean, let the ozone go back in O2 form and you can install the hose and the mask back to the CPAP machine.
PrimeClean is compact, suitable to carry and it kills 99% of bacteria. At the moment, there is no more effective method to clean your CPAP machine than this. It is far more effective than UV cleaners and far safer than the methods we have discussed earlier.

Using PrimeClean is recommended once per week. You can still use it multiple times in a week if you have to, but there is no need due to its success rate. The process is straightforward and it involves removing the hose from the machine. On the other hand, PrimeClean doesn’t require any connection to the CPAP machine itself.

In addition, if you notice that the mask or the tube is damaged while detaching them, replace them as quickly as possible. They won’t be able to provide air pressure you need and therefore the treatment will fail.

The Final Word
Cleaning CPAP machine is mandatory. If you fail to do it, the treatment may become unsuccessful and you may even have allergies, rashes, and other complications. Make sure you clean the equipment at least once a week using a proper CPAPCleaner we have explained above and you will always have a perfectly clean machine that works best.


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