CPAP is a complicated system that has been developed to perfection in the recent past. The new systems are easier to use and they allow users to perform maintenance all by themselves. This also means that you have to perform maintenance and replace specific parts at specific time intervals. In the content below we will help you understand the entire process and learn how you can complete it successfully every single time.

Replacing the CPAP Hose and Mask is a Must

Over time, your CPAP mask and hose will lose their ability to keep bacteria and germs away from your lungs. There is no need to add that when this happens, the germs will reach the inner side of the mask and hose and contaminate them. Keep in mind that you have to clean the same components regularly due to the same reason.

Once germs and bacteria penetrate the system, the CPAP  cleaning machine won’t be very effective. You will start feeling complications and you will notice countless, related issues. When this happens, the best thing to do is to replace the CPAP hose and mask.

Many of you believe that each CPAP machine has different sizes of hose and mask so finding the best one is a hard task. This isn’t the case. As a matter of fact, the reality is completely different. All CPAP machines use hoses with 22 mm in diameter. This also means that all manufacturers will make hoses in this diameter.

The situation is the same when it comes to CPAP masks. They are all based on universal size and they can be used on all CPAP machines. There are some cases where this does not apply, and we will explain all of them.

PrimeClean CPAP Cleaner And Sanitizer
How to actually replace CPAP mask and hoses and solve potential problems?

Here is the biggest question of them all. How you can replace the CPAP mask and hose successful and complete the task within minutes.

As we have mentioned earlier, all CPAP  cleaning machine use the same hose diameter of 22 mm. Probably the number one issue is a mask that does not fit the desired hose. The problem is in the swivel component. Many of you will forget about it and the swivel will stay on the old hose. When you insert a new hose to the new mask, it obviously won’t fit. To solve the problem, remove the swivel from the old hose and insert it into the old mask. Now the new hose will fit right in and job is done. This is a common issue and something we all can fix within seconds.

There is another common problem that affects CPAP users. This happens when you are replacing the soft cuffed hose with a hard cuffed hose. You will see that there is no way to make a tight fit. The answer is in the soft hose connector. Install it and you will solve the problem.

Don’t forget that some CPAP machines come with a heated hose. The process of replacing the hose is still the same, but in this case scenario, you will need a matching hose. Check with the seller all the hoses that are compatible with your CPAP machine and purchase the one you like the most.

Complete CPAP Mask Replacement Guide

Here is a complete guide you will have to use in order to complete the maintenance successfully every single time. We will present to you the main points to consider and also the solutions for each.
  •  Mask fells of while sleeping
The reason why is usually a wrong mask size. Make sure to replace the mask and get a suitable size. In addition, some mask types are not ideal for all the users so you may want to try a different type as well.
It is impossible to fell asleep while wearing a mask
To make this a thing of the past, all you have to do is to wear the mask during day naps. Gradually increase the pressure inside the system and you will get used to it within days.
  •   Leaking CPAP mask
This happens due to two common reasons. The first one is small or two big mask. Even if that mask was a perfect fit, and you got or lost weight, it won’t fit you anymore. Replace the mask and the problem will be solved. The second reason when this happens is when the mask is damaged. Of course, you will have to replace it as soon as possible and problem will be solved.

When CPAP machine components should be replaced?

If you maintain your CPAP machine you will want to know that specific components have to be changed at specific periods of time. This is crucial and mandatory. Don’t forget that you have to make sure your machine and components are clean at all times. Using a proper solution for that is highly recommended.

CPAP tubes, Headgear and Frame: CPAP tubes must be replaced every 3 months. This is mandatory due to the fact longer use can cause them to crack or show small damages. As a result, the pressure inside the system will decrease and bacteria and germs can get in. The situation is completely the same with headgear and frame.

Filters, Pillows, and Cushions: They have to be replaced once in 14 days. These components are used every single time when you use CPAP machine and they are sensitive. You must replace them.

Mask Cushion: It has to be replaced once a month. This component is tough and can withstand long use.

The final Word: Your CPAP machine will help you and serve you as long as you do the same for it. With this simple tips and guide, you can make sure that replacing the mask and hose, when it is needed is a simple task. As the end result, you will have a CPAP machine that can last longer than 5 years and meet all your requirements.


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